Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Start Pics and Sanctuary Update

Happy Easter to all!  I'm enjoying a rare Sunday off work and being lazy today.  I'm also trying to get a little stitching done.  Let's see if I can upload the new start picture today...

Pollyanna's Summertime Lamplighter Knot Garden
Liz Turner Diehl

close up of the sparkles

Yay!  It worked today.  Computers can be so annoying at times (ie, the times when they don't do what you want them to, lol).  I believe this is the first time I have worked with the Rainbow Gallery Glisson Gloss and let me tell you, this stuff has some serious sparkle. 

Today I am working on Sanctuary.  I'm getting so close the the end of this page.

Happy Stitching!


  1. They both look great! Good luck for your page finish.

  2. Love your new start! The middle stitching block is so pretty!

  3. I love seeing your progress on sanctuary! I put in a few hundred stitches this weekend on mine. But this page is going very slow. I love finishing a page and it looks like you are almost there! Yay!!

  4. Your Knotgarden start is looking beautiful already and Sanctuary is coming on too.
