Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Well, we all know life gets in the way of fun sometimes.  Work is doing it's level best to turn me into a raving lunatic and other bits and pieces are adding to the stress.  Haven't been doing much stitching, but I did manage to finally finish page 15 (or is it 16 now?  I've lost count again) on Nature's Little Helper. 

I finished the Nine to Five socks.

And I've started the infamous Pomatomus socks which I have been coveting since before I started knitting socks.  (I'm substituting M1's for the YO's). 

Good news is, spring is springing around these parts.  We're supposed to see the sun again soon, which there has been precious little of this year it seems.  I still have a bajillion things to get done, so I guess I'd better get cracking. 

Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

  1. I love the socks that you knit. They always look so cosy:)
